Bioremediation for the built environment

We are algae experts in Studio Biocene. Our expertise in phycoremediation goes back many years through research at University College London and Cambridge Unviersity. Our work aims to translate findings from laboratory studies on remediation of pollutants using living systems, and through the lens of design understand how these approaches can be scaled for more complex environments.

We implement experience gained from our algae projects at UCL, INDUS and the Garden Anthromes, whereby the dimensions of materiality, modes of fabrication and interactions between human and non-human actors were considered via the tools of design. Our standpoint is also informed by our parallel scientific research at UCL into the biological and technical aspects of bioremediation through algae. This includes our recent explorations into interkingdom interactions and the possibilities generated when we draw inspiration from ecological principles.
Bioremediation does not have to be viewed only a discrete technology, solely confined to isolated contaminated sites. It may also be a continuum, and a platform for the progressive amelioration of our built environment. We see the integration of bioremediation processes in architecture, for example, as a means to generate opportunities of how to create radically new tectonic expression and morphological complexity in buildings.

We have proposed a design manifesto for bioremediation, summarising 10 principles we believe are important for inherently sustainable systems, and this informs our ethos of how we approach the challenging nature of working with pollution:
1. Where possible, reduce material inputs and facilitate system complexity by embedding photosynthetic organisms into bioremediation systems.
2. Metabolic assemblages should be designed for, not excluded.
3. It is essential to exercise impartial decision making on GMO vs algal diversity.
4. Bioremediation systems can be designed for visibility and interaction as well as performance.
5. Resilient bioremediation focuses on customisable solutions that have flexibility to adapt to different contexts.
6. Ethnographic approaches should be used to identify factors that influence acceptability of any bioremediation technology.
7. Design must consider replenishment and renewal as part of the operation.
8. The entire bioprocess needs to incorporate a plan for extraction and recovery.
9. Bioremediation systems can only be assessed against a triple bottom line of economic,environmental and social impact.
10. Calculating end of life for all components is necessary to determine the sustainability of the system.
Selected publications:
Parker, B.; Rawat, D.; Malik, S.; Vilatte, A.; Cruz, M. 'A Design Manifesto for Bioremediation: 10 Principles for the Creation of Sustainable Systems for Environmental Benefit'. In AR#0 Algae Review-Bioremediation. Atelier Luma. Arles, 2022
Rawat, D.; Sharma, U.; Poria, P.; Finlan, A.; Parker, B.; Sharma, R.S.; Mishra, V. 'Iron-dependent mutualism between Chlorella sorokiniana and Ralstonia pickettii forms the basis for a sustainable bioremediation system'. In ISME Communications 21 2022, 2, 1–14. Oxford, 2022
Ridley, C.; Parker, B.; Norman, L.; Schlarb-Ridley, B.; Dennis, R.; Jamieson, A.; Clark, D.; Skill, S.; Smith, A.G.; Davey, M. 'Growth of microalgae using nitrate-rich brine wash from the water industry'. Journal of Algal Research 33. Amsterdam, 2018